04 December 2020

Changjin 70 Years Later

Because nothing I could say would ever be better than what has already been written, I am keeping this post brief.  Suffice it to say, this is in honor of those who fought, those who died, and those who have yet to come home from this battle 70 years later.


Many think of Changjin (Chosin) as a Marine only battle, where the Corps fought "in another direction" to get out of the frozen hell.  However, there were many members of the US Army fighting and dying right there with the Marines, and one must not forget the Bootnecks of 41 Commando (said as Four One, not forty one).  


If you're inclined to read more, might I suggest the following:

U.S. Marines at the Changjin Reservoir: Frozen Chosin

Nightmare at the Chosin Reservoir 

41 Commando/Task Force Drysdale at Chosin

If you really want to get down in the weeds of it, look at Vol III of the US Marines in Korea Series  

Now, for all those who didn't come home from Changjin, and are simply waiting for us to be able to get back there to find them.  We remember you; you are not forgotten.

 So, when you're feeling a little bumbed about some snow, or your dinner got cold because you were busy or you're bitching about having to stay in your warm house because of COVID, read some of the accounts of these men and remember, there are far worse things that you could be doing.



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