01 November 2020

Calling Bull***t

 I promise, I will TRY to keep this one short and to the point.  

The history of the Corps is replete with all sorts of legends, lore, and simply inaccurate stories.  There are simply too many to get into tonight.  However, one that I used to love to shoot down at every chance I got, was that the 4th Marines weren't allowed to return to the US because they surrendered in 1942 in the Philippines.  

It's not enough that the regiment got out of China just as the Japanese were taking over, it's not enough that the regiment fought like mad for nearly 6 months against the Japanese in the Philippines without hope of resupply or reinforcement, and its not enough that when they finally had to surrender the survivors were subjected to the Bataan Death March where many more died, but to pour salt in the wounds and say the regiment isn't allowed to return to the US--that's just a crock!

 If this sounds far fetched, it's because it is.  I call bull***t on it, and have for years.  Why? Because I've read enough history, reviewed enough official records and studied enough USMC force structure in my 20 years to know the truth.

 The fact is right here. (mic drop)


Oh and for those out there who tried tell me that VMF-313 was the 313th Marine Vertical Fighting Squadron, allow me to throw the mic AT you and scream "NOT EVEN CLOSE."

Rant over.

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