10 September 2020

Corporal Patrick Beauregard

Patrick Henry Beauregard's name came to me from a friend who said I should do a blog on him.  I hadn't heard of this Marine, so I clicked the link looking for his rank (for consistency in posts).  It wasn't there so I dug a little more realizing the post was from March of this year.  I found another from last year and realized this Marine had been doing is best to save anyone from colon cancer.  

But Cpl Beauregard's fight ended earlier this month.

None of us get out of this thing called life, frankly, alive.  However, Cpl Beauregard's life was short and bittersweet.  He graduated college and wanted to serve his country so he enlisted in the Corps and served for six years.  

This young man was willing to die for his country by earning his Eagle, Globe and Anchor; he then was given a (pardon the 'french') a shit sandwich by being diagnosed with colon cancer at such a young age.  However, he ate that shit sandwich with a grin on his face as he not only fought for himself but for others!  He faced it as he would have the enemy of a far off land.

Cpl Beauregard took the fight to Capitol Hill and tried to raise awareness for this dreaded disease.  In his short time on earth, he demonstrated courage, compassion, love of his fellow human, and epitomized all that true Marines really are--tenacity, dedication, heart, and service above self.

One could say that Cpl Beauregard lost on 6 September, but he's no loser.  We are, for he is gone and we are left with only memories of a decent man, and honorable Marine who most of us didn't even know until just now--me included.

Cpl Beauregard, you are remembered as a central part of the core of the Marine Corps!

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