07 September 2020


 In the course of my nearly 20 years as a Marine Corps historian, I've met some great Marines.  I've met them because I've stumbled upon their headstones, or met them through family members who found out what I did for a living and had to tell me about their Marine Corps connection; sometimes I've met them in public places like stores or the local watering hole.  

For those I've met through walking cemeteries (in search of my long forgotten relatives) or through their members after they've passed, I feel compelled to delve into the available records and find out who they were.  Ask anyone that knows me, my firm belief has always been that if we remember someone who has died, they are once again alive.  

So with this thought in mind, and the way the Marines find me, I thought I'd start writing their stories down.  I'd already started this (as you can see from earliest posts) about nine  years ago, but now that I"m no longer an official Marine Corps historian, and these Marines keep coming up to me to say hello (in person or spirit), I thought it was time to bring them back to life again.

Therefore, I hope you enjoy learning about the great and small Marines, all of whom together make up the Corps of Marines (google the definition/origin of the word Corps for a little extra homework).  

I'm not the only one who has great stories to tell so occasionally there will be a guest post from a friend or two.

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